Friday, September 21, 2007

wadever lah betrayer

actually i'm damn brave arh. its just that like 90% of it is like unseen. so it seems like i damn timid but actually not arh. lol. k lah. i ASkept. its probably not inside me. sekali someone stole it from me or something. aiyaa but i'm damn hand on face now. damn like oh shit what the hell you guy sort of thing.

i wonder if blogger shows the above thing right.
aiyaa damn bad to me lah. can help me find it can? i'll be like super super super indebted (is this how you spell it?)
AISHETRUZE! yeayeayeayea. no wait. actually i dono for sure lah. lol. hmmmmmmm. aiyaah. just just just damn bad to me. J:

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